15. Unicorn Land!

Unicorns are the cutest am I right? So is this adorable outfit coming Tomorrow to Ninety Nine by  {Clove} This outfit Includes: Shirt, Skirt, and an adorable Mink Stole. It comes in 5 color choices and there is a BONUS color if you splurge for the Fatpack, which is so totally worth it! It is the color labeled: Unicorn and my personal favorite! :D
What I'm Wearing

Outfit: {Clove} Amelie - {Unicorn} {Bonus}
! Special Thank-You to Clove & Juniper !

Teleport to Ninety Nine
Clove In-World // Clove Marketplace

Everything Else

TRUTH - Irenka (December VIP Gift)
Magika - Headband (Old Group Gift)
{Ima} - darling socks, neutral pack.
Muddpuddles - Glitter Janes

Thanks so much for viewing my little blog it means alot! Hugs 


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