• Blog Post 83 •
☆ Featuring: The Popcorn Tree @ The Cove Kids Event ☆
♡ → Teleport to The Cove ← ♡
11 Sweaters, 2 patterned pants and two 2 solid pants, perfect to mix and match or wear on their own. Fits sizes: LB, TD, TWD, Bebe and Youth.
Item is sold as a miepon but is also available in a fatpack version and it's giftable!
♡ . Outfit . ♡
♡ Top: TPT - Not so Ugly Sweater - Gingerbread - TD @ Cove
♡ Bottom: TPT - Not so Ugly Pants - Red Knit - TD @ Cove
♡ Boots: ;Lovey- Little Uggs - Tan - {TDB Rigged} @ Woodlands
. Accessories .
♡ Headband: ;Lovey- Reindeer Headband -Red- (Gift)
Necklace: [Vk!] -Necklace Gold- L
Hairclips: . tiptoes - star & heart hairclips
Hairclips: . tiptoes - star & heart hairclips
♡ Nails: [little noVella] Holiday Cupcake Nails @ Cove
Gingerbread Mouthie: Izzy <3 Mesh - Gingerbread Boy
. Body/Hair/Genetics .
♡ Blush/Spots: ;Lovey- Deer + Nose Blushies 50%
Hair: VCO ~Molly 001 [ Orange ] (check marketplace)
Body: Toddleedoo Baby Fitted
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