11. Turnips Bunny Dress

Heya! I am so so happy to announce that I have been Sponsored by the adorable store Turnips.
I am so happy to be one of their bloggers and I just had to show off this adorable little bunny outfit.
The Bunny Dress & Bunny Shoes are sold individually in 10 different colors.
Mint, Sky, Lavender, Rose, Cloud, Sea, Night, Grape, Plum and Charcoal.
As well as two fatpacks {Pastel and Vibrant}
Only available for Toddleedoo Baby.

What Am I Wearing?

Turnips. bunny dress - rose TDB {Ninety-Nine}
Turnips. bunny shoes - rose TDB {Color Me Cute}


Hair: *barberyumyum*69HF(brown)

Head: *TD* Bento Mesh Head #Beta - Head

Skin: *Bad Seed* - Alicia Skin Creme

Shape: made by me (will be out soon)

Thanks SO Much for Reading/Liking/Sharing!
Love, Lily


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